
Getting the Statement of Cash Flows Right
Venue Online Live Stream
Date Tuesday 18 May 2021
Time 09:00 - 12:00 GMT+2
Information With the use of automated financial statement drafting software the preparation of cash flow statements is often taken for granted with no more than a cursory check that it balances once the financial statements are drawn up. The reality of cash flow statements though is that they reflect the cash flow movements within the organisation and this information is not always readily obtainable from a mechanical summation of opening balances versus closing balances of line items that are contained on the entity’s statement of financial position. In addition there have been some changes to IAS 7 in recent years which have added to the level of disclosure that is expected in respect of movements in liabilities. This course will cover the requirements of the standard in respect of these matters and address their presentation and disclosure in the financial statements.

- IAS 7 Statement of cash flows
CPD Units 3 units on full attendance
Price R 928
Booking Deadline Tuesday 18 May 2021
info@cpdsorted.co.za - SA : +27 568 0370 - MU : +230 452 3975 - UK : +44 200 222 7089