
Foreign exchange and hyperinflation
Venue Online Live Stream
Date Thursday 27 February 2025
Time 09:00 - 12:00 GMT+2
Information May include elements of transaction/balance transaction foreign operations hyperinflation and touch on hedging (limited to forex)

This course provides training in the background scope and principles under IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates and IAS 29 Hyperinflation and the application of these Standards. Topics covered include determining functional currency the presentation currency notion differences between foreign currency transactions and the translation of foreign operations the process of accounting for foreign currency transactions and foreign operations and the process of translating financial statements into a presentation currency. Hyperinflation is fast becoming relevant to preparers in an increasing number of jurisdictions and this course will go through the mechanics of IAS 29 and how the requirements of the standard affect a preparers financial reporting.
CPD Units 3 units on full attendance
Price R 950
Booking Deadline Thursday 27 February 2025
info@cpdsorted.co.za - SA : +27 568 0370 - MU : +230 452 3975 - UK : +44 200 222 7089